About Councils
Australia's first:
Adelaide Corporation in 1840
Australia's largest (by area):
Shire of East Pilbara
Area: 380,000 sq km Pop: 11,950*
(larger than Germany or the UK)
Australia's most populous:
Brisbane City Council
Area: 1,367 sq km Pop: 1,041,841*
Australia's smallest (by area):
Shire of Peppermint Grove
Area: 1.1 sq km Pop: 1,527*

Australia's least populous:
Maralinga Tjarutja Aboriginal Council
Area: 102,863 sq km Pop: 73*
*2011 ABS Census population of 2011 LGA boundaries
Further reading:
Local Government and the Commonwealth: an evolving relationship research paper
Australian Bureau of Statistics - browse data and maps by LGA.
Political Management in Australian Local Government: Exploring the roles and relationships between Mayors and CEOs (2012) by the Australian Centre of Local Government Excellence.
Bettercouncils map of Queensland Local Authories with links to Council websites.