Casey Drew, Correspondance Lead, Townsville City Council. Casey has 11 years’ experience in both regional and city Councils. As the Correspondence Information Lead working under the Service Operation arm of the Knowledge Management (ICT) Department, she oversees as team of 17 staff and manages the delivery of Council’s corporate correspondence, archive and retrieval, eDRMS system administration and records advisory services. This includes operational responsibility for implementing Council’s Operational Recordkeeping Implementation Plan (ORIP) to support Council to achieve its legislative compliance obligations associated under the Public Records Act and associated Information Standards.
Jo Morris, Director Corporate Services, Croydon Shire Council
Jo has been working in local government for the past 12 months. As Director Corporate Service for Croydon Shire Council, Jo’s responsibilities include oversight of Administration, Finance, Records, IT, Grants, WH&S, Stores, Tourism and Childcare. Working in a small Council is a great opportunity to steer the strategic direction of the Council but also be involved at a hands-on level. No two days are ever the same.
Jo has a Degree in Business (Accounting), Graduate Advanced Diploma in Accounting and more recently has undertaken LGAQ’s Diploma of Local Government Administration (Asset Management) and Diploma of Local Government Planning. Jo is also a Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA).
Toby Walker, Media and Communications Officer, Logan City Council.
Toby has worked in local government for five years in communications roles at Logan City and Yarra City Councils. Previously Toby worked for four years as a journalist with APN including producing articles for the Sunshine Coast Daily on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.
Justin Thomas, ICT Manager, Noosa Council. Justin has twenty-seven years local government experience including previous ICT, GIS and surveying roles. Justin has eight direct reports and manages the GIS team, ICT operations and the records unit with a total of 12 people. Justin has a Degree in IT, Diplomas in Sustainabliity and Frontline Management and a very old but still useful Associate Diploma in Surveying.