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Political Parties

Australian Group Membership

Source: Annual Reports, ABS, Organisation websites

Public Funding of Political Parties for the 2013 Federal Election

Political parties received $2.49 per first preference vote in the 2013 Federal Election with all parties receiving more than 4% of the primary vote receiving public funding. The major parties received:


ALP         $23.9 Million

Liberals   $20.8 Million

Greens    $5.5 Million

Nationals $3.1 Million

Palmer     $2.3 Million


This public funding provides an income stream to political parties independent to membership. 

Councils with a candidate from a major party standing in 2016

There are 77 Councils in Queensland. The following six Councils have a candidate in the 2016 Council elections for mayor or Councillor representing a major political party:


Brisbane City Council (ALP, LNP, Greens for mayor and councillors)

Gold Coast City Council (Greens for councillors)

Ipswich City Council (Greens for councillors)

Moreton Bay Regional Council (Greens for councillors)

Noosa Shire Council (Green for councillor)

Sunshine Coast Regional Council (Greens for mayor and councillors)


The Queensland Greens have donated $4,100 to the Noosa Greens candidate, being the largest donation to any candidate standing for Noosa Councillor (Source: Sunshine Coast Daily) and twice as large as any other single donation to a candidate running for Noosa Councillor.


The largest single donation to either of the three independent Noosa mayoral candidates was $10,000 from a Noosa developer and property speculator, being twice as much as any other single donation.


Are either of these donations a concern? Which is the most concerning? What alternatives are there to donations to fund local government election campaigns?


There are another eight Councils with teams of candidates running:


Cairns (The Cairns Unity Team)

Cassowary Coast (Cassowary Coast Unity Alliance)

MacKay (Greg Williamson Alliance, Justin Englert Your Solutions Mackay for mayor or councillors)

Mareeba (Mareeba Shire First)

Mount Isa (Locals United - Back to Basics, Team McCulloch, Team Coghlan)

Rockhampton (Team McMillan)

Tablelands (Team Tablelands)

Townsville (Team Jenny Hill, Vote1 Jayne Arlett's Team)

Arguments for party involvement

Arguments for independent candidates

It is better for voters to have clearly party-aligned candidates than undeclared alignment.


Policy platforms more widely known than independent candidates particularly for disengaged voters.


It is harder to corrupt a party than an independent candidate with parties concerned about damage to party reputation.


Parties are able to fund campaigns particularly in large Councils with large audiences and be less beholden to local donors.


Options are more comprehensible to voters with fewer choices and clearer manifestos.


Party involvement may increase electoral turnout than with unknown independents with voters voting with more confidence and for "their team".


Parties can discipline members.

Greater flexibility on policy positions.


Candidates can be motivated by particular local events or issues rather than being political "elites".


More willing to take on state and federal governments on issues having no party loyalties to maintain.


More likely to have a diversity of opinion and less en bloc action.


Less electoral cynicism than with parties.


Independent candidates are focused on the needs of the electorate and not the needs of the party or defeating party opponents' agendas.


Able to explore options rather than adopting or protecting a party position at the expense of the electorate.


Are chosen on merit rather than a voter's preferred party for federal or state politics or federal and state issues.


May make unpopular decisions, particularly if not standing again as there are no party chances to damage for the next election.


Parties can disguise bad candidates.


Independent Councillors can make decisions without having to refer decisions or consult with parties.

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Tewantin, Queensland 4565

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