Annual Budget
Council FTE
Shire Population
Rateable Assessments

69% of Council's revenue is from rates and levies. Council has a very low reliance on grants and subsides.
Council Facilities and Services

The Girraween Sports Complex at Noosa Heads consists of two senior and two junior football fields; athletics grass track and athletics facilities; a 915m criterium cycling track; clubhouse and amenities and car parking.
Hyperlink: Girraween Sports Complex

The Cooroy Library is one of two Council libraries the other being at Noosaville. The Council also runs a mobile library service.
Hyperlink: Noosa Libraries

The Noosa Aquatic Centre features a heated 50m pool, 25m pool, a 17m program and toddler pool, fitness studio and cafe. The centre runs an accreditted learn to swim program and is used by three nearby schools.
Hyperlink: Noosa Aquatic Centre

The J event centre at Noosa Junction includes a theatre, meeting rooms and a cafe. The centre is a versatile space for community, youth and commercial events. It is also home to current tenants University of the Sunshine Coast and Noosa Community Radio.
Hyperlink: The J

Council runs one landfill and two transfer stations. A voluntary garden waste bin is available for residents in the coastal regional to assist Council in reducing greenhouse gas emissions at the landfill site.
Hyperlink: Waste, Recycling and Sustainable Living

The Noosa Regional Gallery at Tewantin presents a diverse range of exhibitions and events. A community arts centre is run from the old Butter Factory Building in Cooroy.
Hyperlink: Noosa Regional Gallery

The eight hectare Noosa Botanic Gardens overlooking Lake MacDonald at Cooroy is home to gliders, possums and more than 100 bird species. A Grecian-styled amphitheatre provides a stunning setting for weddings or cultural events.

Noosa Council operates three very popular holiday parks including the beachfront North Shore Camping Ground, Munna Point Holiday Park at Noosaville and the Boreen Point Camping Ground. Council also provides a RV stopover at Cooroy.
Hyperlink: Noosa Holiday Parks

The Noosaville Leisure Centre is a multi-purpose facility used for basketball, badminton, karate, indoor soccer and many other fitness and sporting activites. The centre has a creche, cafe and indoor rock climbing wall.
Hyperlink: Noosa Leisure Centre

Noosa Community Support provides support to older frail persons, persons with dementia, younger people with a disability and their carers. The centre also operates the Home Assist Secure service to provide information about home maintenance, repairs and minor modifications.

Noosa Council owns a neighbourhood shopping complex at Sunrise Beach leasing the buildings to tenants including a corner store, doctor's surgery, chemist, bakery and butcher. The Council did this to ensure desired shopping and locality support was delivered to this area. The complex provides a revenue stream to the Council.

Council in parternship with Translink provides free bus services during peak holiday periods to reduce traffic congestion and promote public transport. Noosa also has extensive cycle lanes.

The Noosa Bicentennial Centre provides a main hall and annexe hall for hire. The centre features a kitchen and is a wheelchair friendly venue. The main hall is the home of the Noosa Gymnastics Club.

Noosa along with Moreton Bay and Sunshine Coast Regional Councils is part-owner of the Unitywater retail business that provides water and sewerage services. SEQ Council bulk water assets including dams were taken from Councils by the State Government in 2010. Unitywater has an independent board and must buy water from the state government.
Noosa has just commenced a trial of a solar-powered smart bin. The bin has a compactor to increase the storage of the bin and reduce pickups. Sensors in the bin indicate the used capacity of the bin and when it needs collection.