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Monday 11th April 2016 - Social Evening

4:45 MV Noosa Queen Sunset Cruise departs Noosa Marina


6:15 MV Noosa Queen returns for Noosa Marina


6:30 Dinner at the Rump House Noosa Marina

Tuesday 12th April 2016 - LG Political Context

8:00 Arrival, Tea and Coffee. Noosa Council Chambers, Level 3, 9 Pelican Street, Tewantin.


8:15 Introductions - Justin Thomas, Noosa Council.


8:20 Previous session debrief - Lisa Hamilton, LGMA QLD.


8:50 Roles, Responsibilities and Statutory Reporting, Brett De Chastel CEO Noosa Council.

Brett will provide an overview of the legislated and practical requirements of running a Council.


9:20 A Manager's perspective on the practice of Council politics - Clint Irwin.

As Noosa Council's Property and Facilities Manager, areas under Clint's responsibility including community leases frequently make the local papers. Clint will share his learnings and tips with dealing with Councillors, Executive and sometimes thorny political issues.


9:50 A CEO's perspective on the practice of Council politics - Brett De Chastel.

Brett will share his extensive experience managing political issues, the critical relationships between Councillors and the CEO and how staff should approach political issues.


10:20 Morning Tea provided.


10:40 A Mayor's perspective on the practice of Council politics - ex-Cr Bob Abbot.

Bob has extensive experience as a Councillor and Mayor dealing with all levels of government and political parties. As the mayor of the newly amalgamated Council Bob also had to deal with post-merger politics.


11:10 Joint Q&A Panel - ex-Cr Bob Abbot, Brett De Chastel, Clint Irwin, facilitator Toby Walker.


11:50 Lunch provided.


12:30 Workshop: Political Scenarios, facilitators Clint Irwin and Casey Drew, Townsville City Council.


1:20 Community Juries - Deb Brambrook Community Engagement Manager Noosa Council.

Less than 2% of Australians are members of a political party and the public is disengaged from public affairs and cynical about government. Deb will explain the community juries concept at Noosa and how this process engages the public directly in decision making and political power.


1:40 Workshop: Community Juries, facilitators Deb Bambrook and Jo Morris, Croydon Shire Council.


2:00 Afternoon Tea provided.


2:20 Financial Sustainability in Local Government - Wayne Jensen Financial Services Manager Noosa Council

The new Noosa Council was able to deliver a 0% rate rise in its first year and a below CPI rise last year. Wayne will explain the financial challenges facing Local Government and Noosa's approach.


2:50 Quick Quiz. A short quiz with prizes on the information provided on the workshop website Resources tab on financial sustainability, Councils, political parties and community juries - Justin Thomas.


3:00 Project coordination - Lisa Hamilton.


3:30 Group Project - Finalise scope, roles and dates.


4:30 Close.



** Prework for all participants prior to the workshop

    Prepare your own questions for the Q&A Joint Panel session, and other key agenda topics throughout the day.

    Please email these ahead of time (where possible, prior to 6th April) to



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9 Pelican Street

Tewantin, Queensland 4565

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© 2016 By the LGMA Propeller Noosa Team

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