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Agenda of Meeting


Here's the link to the original agenda document in the Google Drive.



Subject: Project Brief

Venue:  Noosa


Date: 12/04/2016

Time: 3.30 pm-4.30pm


Abby Jensen
Casey Drew
Frazer Ward
Jo Morris
Justin Thomas
Karen Daniels
Peter Murphy
Rachel Jackson
Richard Simmons
Stefanie Baksaj
Stuart Harvey
Tina Martin
Toby Walker
Tony Hauenschild



Lisa Hamilton

Introduction (5 mins)

·       The aim of this hour is to finalise the project brief which is due on the 18/19 May (Cairns)

·       Time has been assigned to each item, please stick to it as we only have one hour.

Brainstorming Session (5 mins)

·       What deliverable do we want to produce?

Collate Ideas (10 mins)

·       The ideas written down during the brainstorming session to be grouped to find a common idea.

Group Discussion and Selection of Deliverable (10 mins)

·       The final deliverable to be selected.


Governance Structure (10 mins)

·       Is there any other roles we need/want?

·       Open for nominations for each role.

·       Assign roles.

Risks (5 mins)

·       Comments on the risk assessment section?

Communication (5 mins)

·       Any comments on the communication section?


Way forward (10 mins)

·       Anything else for discussion?

·       Assign tasks.


Meeting Closed at: <<Time>>

Next Meeting: Cairns -18/19 May 2016


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9 Pelican Street

Tewantin, Queensland 4565

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